
Sunday, September 30, 2007


What a great day for cloud watching!
Leaving work on Friday, my eyes went to the sky. I could see just above the trees, some cool billowing clouds. I headed up Engle rd, and as I crossed the tracks, and came around the bend I saw it....and the very bottom edge of a mass of clouds.... a little "tail".... is that?... could it be?.... a.... waterspout?... hmmm. I kept watching, as the clouds morphed, but the little tail didn't change. I turned on to Brook park rd. and I could still see it. Hmmm. Is it?... Finally, after a few miles, the little tail was still in view! It has to be! I'm getting a picture. I pulled into the first parking lot, and realized now, the building was blocking my view. No where to go.. blocked. Damn. Oh well. I pulled back out and headed home.
Now the little tail was gone. But the clouds were getting wilder, and wilder North over the lake. To the South was crystal blue skies. It was beautiful. I couldn't stop wondering if what I saw really was a little waterspout. It was in the right place... right over the lake, just about 10 miles away. Finally closer to home, I pulled into what used to be my old work place, and took several pictures of the amazing clouds. I got home, and turned on the tv. Just then, the weather came on, and the weatherman says: "Did you see it?.. did you see the Waterspout over Lake Erie?"...... YESSSSSSS I did!.. dammmmmit!... NO PICTURE THOUGH.
Now... some of you may be thinking I'm a little crazy, obsessed, or whatever, but this was a big deal to me. I have a fascination with clouds, and especially Tornado's. I know this isn't uncommon, but my chances of ever seeing a Tornado are probably (hopefully) very slim. And this little Waterspout was as close as I'll ever come. It was exciting. So, I went on the TV channel's website, and there was a photo of the little Waterspout. So... see it below... I don't think the photographer will mind. After all, I would have had the same photo, had that damn building not been in my way!

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