Ok...so.. I got a few little Valentine inspired magnets finished, and just listed on Etsy this evening. I'm on a roll again! So I guess I'll be doing more ART to bring in the NEW YEAR!
This is just gonna be a quick one!
Well the weekend is officially over. I got up bright and early this morning, all ready to do some art. While I had done so much grocery shopping for Christmas, I really didn't have much else in the house. I just can't eat another cookie, or a slice of Ham! I decided to treat myself to .... a McDonald's breakfast! I told you that place was way too close. I put on the coffee first, then I jumped in my car and headed up the road just about 1 mile. The wind was howling, and the temperature had dropped from the balmy, unseasonably warm 68 degrees yesterday, to a more typical 35. The sun was just coming up, and I was enjoying the clouds. Dark Gray, washed with Golden Sunshine against the Blue Blue sky. By the time I got back home, The dark clouds crept in, and the sun had disappeared. I finished my breakfast, and started on some art. I wanted to work on some Valentine pieces, but my creative juices just weren't flowing. I decided to go through my files to find some images to use. So...I got sleepy after the breakfast... and ... took a little nap. I'm not really a morning person! I really hate sleeping the day away though. But I got back up just a few hours later. So now it's almost 11 pm. I got ONE piece finished.. yippee lol. Not much to show for a whole day of opportunity. Well it just happens sometimes.
So, I'm wondering how busy we'll be at work this week. I enjoyed having so many days off, but I can't afford it! So...I have to resist the urge, if they come around asking "would you like to go home?"... I did leave early on Friday, and had big fun spending my "Pat Catan's" (our local arts & crafts store) gift certificate from friend Laure. I picked up some paints, and more Polymer Clay.
So my "BIG" New Year's eve plans???... hanging out with my best friends and eating... and maybe a glass of Wine or two or three.. hey, I'm not driving! I think the last big New Year's Eve party I threw, was for the Millennium! wow.. I should probably have one. Maybe Next year!
So have a fun, safe New Year's Eve... and if I'm not back here in time, have a Wonderful, Peace filled New Year!
Actually, my family celebrated on Christmas Eve.
It was a most fun, relaxed happy evening. My kids Eddie, Jamie & Allison & her boyfriend Andy were there, and my best friend Gloria. My nephew Michael and his two adorable kids Carmen & Anna even stopped by.
We "feasted on our traditional Breaded Pork Cutlets (aka: Breaded Meat), homemade Pizza, Potato Salad, Jamie's Ham, Allison's "Surprise" Meatballs, Eddie's Brownies, and wonderful baked goods, including Homemade Banana Nut Bread, Butterscotch Cookies & Thumbprint cookies, as well as Fresh Spinach dip, and Deviled eggs all from Gloria. I made my traditional Crescent Cookies and Tarts. Everything was sooo MMmmmMMMMMMmmmmMMMmmm! GOOD!!!!
The "FAMILY KNOW-IT-ALL" Game, turned out to be a big hit! The kids had lots of fun, and we laughed so much at some of their answers!! Eddie took home the trophy!
The kids really liked the handmade ornaments I made for them.
Eddie gave me several "funny" gifts, funky picture frames and really fuzzy warm Robe, Jamie gave me a pound of Starbucks Coffee "Komodo Dragon" blend, and Dark Chocolate covered "Cellas" Cherries, in an adorable Felt bag. from Allison and Andy a beautiful Orchid plant, Glitter scrapbook Paper (Each sheet is completely covered in Glitter!!!!) and a beautiful Marcasite Ring. Do they know me or what????
I received such wonderful, thoughtful gifts. But just being them all, was truly the best gift of all.
This was one of the best Christmas Eve's Ever!
Eddie and Allsion & Andy left, and called to let me know they got home safe. Gloria and I did our usual thing and sat at the table eating leftovers and drinking coffee! Jamie caught up on her email, then joined us. She was going to go home, but got too tired, and snuggled up on the couch.
Gloria left at 5:30 a.m.... lol.... and me, being wired from coffee, sat in front of the computer like a Zombie, looking at the evenings photos till the sun came up. I slept like a rock, and didn't wake up till 2 in the afternoon! I showered, and put on my most comfortable sweats. I straitened up the house, and Gloria called to say she and my other good friend Laure would be over at 5. It felt like we never left the table!!! LOL... We talked and laughed and had a good time! Before we knew it, it was 10:30... so everyone left.
So just like that, Christmas Day is over... POOF! I almost slept right through it.
Thank you Lord for my beautiful, wonderful Children, family and unbelievable friends. I am so abundantly blessed!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with the ones you love and that your new Year will be filled with Peace and blessings.
I've finally finished decorating the Tree, and it only took me 3 weeks to do it! LOL. I was inspired by the fact that "White Christmas" was on TV tonight, and I always decorate the tree when the movie is on. I have the movie on tape, but it's buried somewhere in the closet and I have the VCR now in my art room. Guess I'm gonna have to get a 2nd. one for the living room. Do they even make them anymore? So as I trimmed the tree, I waited for my favorite parts of the movie... heyyyyyyyyy! they cut the "SNOW" song!!!!!...and HEYYYYYY!!... they cut other stuff too! HOW DARE THEY! Man, isn't anything sacred??? It looks like I'm gonna have to dig that old movie out after all.
Well the big Ice storm has come and gone. I watched the radar till around 2:30 a.m. watching the giant blue mass inch it's way closer and closer. I was lucky, that when it came time to leave for work, it was raining pretty hard, turning all the frozen stuff to mush. The roads were clear and wet. Thank God! I only had to scrape the 1/8 inch thick layer of Ice off the car windows. So, when I got to work, my supervisor said she wanted to see me. Geeez! I haven't even taken my coat off! Ok.. sure.. "Yes?"... Well, she said that the other supervisors had seen my little Christmas tree she asked me to draw on her dry-erase board and they all wanted something too! "Do you mind?"... "heck no!" I said, "this is like play time for me!" So, I headed down to the other supervisors area, and began drawing a Little snowman, some Pine trees and a little Winter cabin on one board, then I big Santa face on the other. All while the other employees watched. I could hear their Ooohs! and Aaaahs! that was nice. One more board to go. I drew a cute little Elf on it. I got thanked profusely, even the GM saw the boards and loved them too. I'll try to take some pictures. So by the time I finished all the boards, it was noon! 2 hours had flown by just like that. So I went and took a break. Came back and got to work. It was even slower than the previous 2 days, and sure enough my supervisor was sending people home. I was trying to resist the temptation.... but gave in and left! I went into Marc's just to get some Tylenol and ended up spending $30... for a "few more" things for our Christmas Eve Buffet. Yikes. Now I'm trying to figure out what I have to do and when I have to do it. It wasn't until today, that I realized Christmas Eve. is Wednesday and not Thursday!... I've now lost a day of prep time! Good thing I'm not having lots of people coming, although you'd never know it by the food I'm having! The most time consuming thing will be the homemade Pizza. The dough is the hardest. All the kneading and rolling. It is a labor of love though, and wouldn't be Christmas with out it. The breaded meat is also time consuming, with all the breading, and frying. Ohhh well.
So... it's almost 1 a.m. and I'm watching Frasier. I'm going to try and work on the ornaments for my kids tonight. Then tomorrow... uhh.. sheesh... lots of chores, cleaning etc. I'm planning on meeting Gloria and Laure for dinner, then we're going to go See the Christmas display in Medina. Even though I was off for the better part of 3 days, I got nothing done! That's tops on my New Year's Resolutions list... STOP PROCRASTINATING!... just like all the past years lol. But that's another Blog post.So Enjoy your last weekend before Christmas. Don't make yourselves too crazy with all the hustle-bustle and remember the real reason for this wonderful Holiday. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
'Tis the season to bake goodies!!!
Yesterday, my sister Debbie invited me over to make Tarts together! We had so much fun!! Dough, Fillings and a few glasses of wine. Her house looks so beautiful, like a warm Winter retreat, And her tree is absolutely gorgeous!
It was the oddest thing. We were both following the same recipe, yet, our batches came out looking so different! How could that be? Was it because we used Light and Dark Brown Sugar? was it the placement in the oven? Did one of us use more Nuts in the mixes?? Who knows, but it was funny looking at how different they looked!
I now live just 1 1/2 miles from her, and I love that we're so close now! She's coming over next Tuesday, and we're going to make my favorite Crescent Cookies together. Those are my favorite Christmas cookies ever. The smell, and taste, bring me back to my childhood (just a few years ago!....... hahah!!!) It's just not Christmas without them. I tell my kids that "this is What Christmas tastes like!"
So, I got out of work at 11:30 yesterday!!!! I work in Catalog sales, and once people realize they can't get their orders by Christmas eve, it gets very slow, so they send people home. It was hard saying no, when they offered. It was a perfect opportunity to finish Christmas shopping, and getting all the food for Christmas Eve. So... I think I'm done!!... unless I forget some stupid little thing like salt or something, I think I got it all.
So as I probably mentioned before, it's going to be a pretty quiet Christmas. My sisters are all staying home with their kids. So it will just be me and my kids, and my Friend Gloria. The kids get bored quickly, so, I came up with a game for us to play! It's called "The Family Know-it-All Game" I found a "game box" and I created a Cover for the box. I designed and printed "Sassy Bucks" featuring a really silly picture of me when I was about 8 years old! Question cards, and even have little touch lights they can hit to answer the questions. I'm also going to make a "Trophy" that the winner will get, and have the bragging rights as being "THE FAMILY KNOW-IT-ALL" Sounds fun right??? I hope they think so! I'm not done with it yet, but here are a few pictures of it so far. I think it just might be something we could do every year! Just write up new questions. I'm still working on things like the "BONUS ROUND" and "LIGHTNING ROUND" So I'll let ya know.
The other photo, is of my Daughter Allison, holding her and her sister's dog Lucas AKA: "The Beast", with her boyfriend Andy, and their other dog Cody. They went to an animal shelter Charity event and had this fun Christmas pic taken!
What are you doing New Year's Eve?
Ahhhhhhhh the weekend is here again!
Have you finished your Christmas Shopping yet??... me either!
I'm up, watching "Little House on the Prairie"...hmmm.. It's still a good show!
I'm pulling an "all nighter" Yay me!
I haven't done that is a long time! I worked 9-3 today, did a little shopping, stopped at McDonalds and treated myself to a Big Mac and Fries. That McDonalds, is just a little too close and I've found myself stopping there way too much! I took a long nap, then got up and made a pot of coffee.
Isn't this vintage postcard just beautiful? I got it at the "Graphics Fairy"...See the link on my sidebar. There are wonderful images to use in your art...FREE! So if you like the one shown here, just click on it and save!
Oh, and you just have to check out the newest Blog sites on my list of favorites!
TUMBLE FISH STUDIO and FRIENDS IN ART. I love their Blogs, and I love the art!!!
I pulled out my Christmas Decorations on November 30th. Put some lights up, and the tree, put a few ornaments on.. and... left it! OMG.. it's still all just sitting in the living room... everywhere! I"m terrible! So...right after I finish the breakfast I just made...Bacon, Eggs, Homefries and Italian bread toast...I'm planning on heading into the living room, and getting it all done. Did I ever mention that I procrastinate just a wee bit???
I actually addressed AND mailed The first batch of Christmas cards yesterday too (ran out and have to get some more.) I was determined to send my own hand made personalized one-of-a-kind Christmas cards this year... well that didn't happen! shame on me. I bought a box of cards in a discount store!! ohhh the horror!... the mass produced ones I tell people they shouldn't buy. Well...maybe next year.
These worn old ornaments are about the only ones left from my childhood. Though they aren't the prettiest, they're most loved. |