Here it is. The place where I spend 40 hours a week.
My desk at work....... Lovely eh?
I was recently moved, from my cozy, receptionist spot, with a view,
(well.. it was a view out the front door, and I could see the sky.) I had
more room to spread out. Now, I have a view of 3 blank walls.
The girls that sit on the left, and right of me, (seperated by a 6 1/2 ft. cubical wall,)
sometime talk to each other on speaker phone.... really.
Then, I get to hear their whole conversation in "surround sound."
As if they actually need phones. All you have to do is whisper to be heard.
I've thought of bringing in some of my artwork, and photos to
liven up the place, but then I'll just have to take it all down
when I leave. Yes... leave. It's not going so well there, and I don't expect
to be there too long. Either they will lay me off, or I'll quit. I will
miss being just 1.6 miles from home, going home for lunch everyday,
and not getting stuck in rush hour traffic. But it's time to move along.
Grrrrr! I'm sick of changing jobs... I'm sick of looking for jobs.
I thought by now, at my age, I'd be pretty set in what I was doing.
I have since realized, there is no job security anywhere, and it's a
fact of life that no one will have the same job for a long period of time,
and those rare few that do, are lucky.
Ok... yes.. I do feel better now.
Ok so, my weekend plans. Tomorrow, I have a 12:30 hair appointment.
Then I'll come home and work on the invitations for my sister's friend Lavoda.
She was at my sister Rita's 60th birthday party, and loved the invitations
I made so much, she asked me to do them for her Goddaughters mom's 60th.
I don't know how to say no. Actually, I dont' really mind. I just regret
deleting all the images I used for my sister's invite, (trying to be organized with
my online files.) Now I have to go find them all over again.
I managed to finish and mail, my daughter Allison's graduation party invitations.
I wanted to make them "fancier" but decided simple was best.

Allison's Invitation.
She Just graduated from nursing school in May.... And she just passed her board exams today! Wayyyyyy to go ALLLLLLLISON! I'M SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!
Also... I have some friends coming in from Germany! I met them online, about 7 years ago, when Rike and her husband Matt, saw my Cleveland Indians pictures at a website. She and her husband had become HUGE Indians fans, after seeing the movie "Major League" and they love spending their vacation, in the USA, attending Indians games, here, and following them on the road! We met in person, back in 2000. And have kept in touch ever since. This is their first trip back since 2000. She was pregnant then, and they have waited till their son was a little older, before coming back. I'm so anxious to see them again, and finally meet their adorable son, Yannik, who is 5 years old now, and is also a fan of the Indians.
I have no plans for the Fourth of July. I am looking forward to more storms that have been forecast. I just LOVE watching storms, and taking pictures. I'm still not over the awesome sight last Wednesday. The clouds were amazing! especially the big scary one, that had alot of rotation!. I've always wanted to witness a Tornado... not that I want to experience one, or have anyone get hurt etc. I am just in awe of the power. So I'll be sure my camera batteries are charged this time!
Maybe I'll get to do some art this weekend too... ahh, wishful thinking.
Have a Safe and happy 4th!...Bless you!