Make it stop!! I know I promised to stop whining about the weather.
But an Ice storm, and a Blizzard all in one week is just too much!!
The snowstorm started on Friday morning and it didn't stop snowing till about 5 hours ago.
The 14 mile drive home from work on Friday was quite a challenge. I never did more than 20 mph. the whole way! My normally 35 minute ride took me 1 hour and 15 minutes, But I made it home, safe and sound, and never slid once. It took 4 tries to get into my driveway, but I made it, and there my car sat.
The huge storm intensified, and I woke up to find my car surrounded by one giant drift! I was supposed to work today!!... NO WAY! Even if I made it out of my driveway, the street was a mess! I decided to call off, and the guilt set in.
I had to convince myself that I had a legitimate reason not to attempting to go in. I felt better once I heard that Cleveland Hopkins airport was closed, (which Is very near to my work) and so was the whole city of Akron!
I decided to be productive, and clean up my art room. I put on a pot of coffee, and started cleaning, stopping occasionally to take some photos of the amazing storm, from my porch. I watched the neighbor across the street, get stuck in her driveway twice. I watched from my door, as the neighbor worked to dig his wife's car out. He had a huge blanket, and was putting it behind the front wheels!...omg!... I didn't want to be a nosey neighbor, but I couldn't keep shut. I went outside, and in the howling wind, I shouted across the street "HEYYYY!!!...HEYY!"... their daughter saw me waving and crossed the street, the drifts were up to her knees!... I shouted to her, to tell her dad not to use the blanket, because it would get tangled around the axle, and to use a car mat under the wheels instead.. (Don't guys know this???)... So she said thanks, and went back across the street, I went inside, and watched from the window. She was talking to her dad, and pointing to my house. I watched him go into the back of his van, and pull out 2 car mats. He put one under each tire, and in just a few minutes WHOOSH! she was back in the driveway!...my good deed for the day!
I was glad to know all my kids were safe and sound.
It's kinda fun being "hunkered down" during a storm. A warm house, a bowl of Chili, and a fuzzy sweater. I kept thinking about the drive I would have had, if I had attempted to go to work. I was content to watch the storm reports, and wonder why people would go out in weather like this.
A funny story.....
While at work on Friday, everyone was keeping and eye out the window watching the snow, come down. One of our Supervisors named Becky, asked to speak to a co-worker named Carol.
Carol is about 45 years old. When Carol got to Becky's desk, Becky tried to keep from laughing, and told Carol that her MOM had called, asking if the company was going to close early and let her daughter leave, because the weather was getting bad, and her daughter doesn't drive well in snow!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Carol was mortified!!! "OMG, She did NOT!!!"..... it was the funnies thing!!!
I thought of my 28 yr. old daughter Jamie, who thinks
I'M over protective!!!... well, I guess a kid is always a kid, in a mother's eyes.
So finally the BIG STORM has passed, and the winds have calmed. The drifts are amazing sculptures, and the snow is sparkling under the street lights.
For now, I will forget about having to dig my car out, and that I have to go to work on Monday. I'm going to sit here and watch "Sex in the City" reruns, smoke cigarettes, drink Pepsi, and be excited daylight savings time begins today. I will finally get to drive home in daylight!
Maybe I'll even get to do some art tomorrow (today!)