Happy New Year 2008!
I brought the New Year in, listing new Items on Etsy, and drinking Pepsi. I turned on Dick Clark's "New Year's Rockin' Eve"... at 3 minutes to midnight, and changed the channel, 1 minute after. ...............YES.. it's true.. I'm a party Animal!
This was the 2nd year in a row, that I didn't have a party, or atleast my best friend Gloria here. It felt weird! So my New Year's resolution, is to have a party in my NEW Apartment... that I plan on being in by May 1st!!!.
It's a snowy first day of 2008, here in Cleveland. We're getting that lovely "Lake Effect" snow, and it's supposed to continue on through tomorrow evening. To quote a line from a "Meatloaf" song... "The snow is really pilin' up outside"... since I took that photo a couple hours ago. The snow is blowing Horizontally... yippy. The radar is showing the "Lake Effect" snow bands coming off the lake. Cleveland, is just right of the little white X. Grrrrrrgh!!
Quite a contrast to just one week ago, on Christmas day. we had Sun, and mild temperatures in the high 30's. Balmy for Cleveland.

I really enjoyed my 5 days off, dispite the fact that I had a cold on Friday. But it didnt' last long, and I'm glad!
I managed to get into the artroom almost everyday, and do art. I made these fun Polymer Clay hearts, and the big one below, sold just 20 minutes after I listed it! Yay me!
So I think I'll make another one.
Here are some "highlights" of 2007....
- Giant Easter Snowstorm in April, kept most of my family away.
- Started a new job in June
- Also in June, I met a cousin at "Ancestry.com" who gave us our entire family tree!
- October, hosted our 5th. annual "Mothers & Daughters" day.. (aka: YA YA)
- Attempted to get new apartment. Decided to wait till "next year"

Yes... yes.. I know.. what a crazy ride that was!
I really can't think of anything "exciting" that happened. I guess I should do better documenting, or read my own Blogs!
but I like my ordinary, boring life. It's all about simplicity, and calm for me.
I Stayed up till 4 a.m... and slept in way to late today. I woke up at 9, and remembered thinking I should get up, and do some art. But I drifted back to sleep. Woke up at 10:30, and had the same thought, ...and.... drifted back to sleep. I woke up at 1:30, thanks to a "Happy New Year" phone call from my daughters. I wasn't happy that I had slept the whole morning away!
I jumped in the shower, then called my Sister Rita, to tell her I wouldn't be coming for Pork and Sauerkraut.. : (........... The Weather was only gonna get worse, and I wasn't up for any white-knuckle driving. So I begged her to freeze some for me, and bring it when we get together for my birthday/sisterday.. in 3 weeks.. .. ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!... oh no!!!.. My birthday is in 3 weeks. I just HAD one about a month ago didn't I? What the hell!!! I'm going to be 52.. NOOOO WAYYYY!.... it's not possible!... I was just 24! I'm warning all of you reading, and who may be younger than I.......... Ya pick up speed after 40... and whooooshhhh! BAM...
you're 50 ..bleepin'.. 2!!!
What's sadder is, your mind doesn't age, (except for some memeory loss that is lol.. ) You still THINK you're a kid. You still ACT like a kid. Cute boys (or girls) will still make you blush, you still get giddy when you fall in love. SAD.
I always remember a line from the movie "The Thorn Birds".... great movie!
80 year old Barbara Stanwick (can't recall her character's name...maybe Mary?) is escorted to her bedroom, by young, handsome "Fr. Debrickasar"... (Richard Chamberlain)after her birthday celebration. At her door, he kisses her softy on the forehead and says good night. She looks at him, and says: "kiss me on the mouth like we're lovers".... OMG!!! It was then that it dawned on me. Feelings don't change. This poor wrinkled old woman, was still hot and lusty on the inside!
I think it's cruel! Those feelings should subside as you age, or atleast only be lusty for men your own age, and not be attracted to some hot little stud! Damn.
Oh well. Nothin' I can do about it. I'll just have to stop lookin' I suppose. But I still can't resist
Carter Oosterhouse is that ok?
Coffee is calling, and I'm off to the artroom. Still mad, I slept the whole morning away.

Even my Pepsi can says "CREATE!"