I'm baaaa-acch.
It's 2 a.m, and I just finished watching M*A*S*H. It's still a great show! I just remembered that back when the show was new... sometime in the 70's, I remember thinking I wanted to be stranded on a Desert island with Alan Alda, because he would make me laugh. ... sheeeeesh!.
Anyway, After re-reading my last post.... and seeing all my spelling errors.. (sorry.. (I never said I could spell well... chalk it up to menapause depleting more brain cells.) I realized I forgot to mention that Antje still hasn't had the baby! After all that, she is still with child. They sent her home later that day, and her contractions stopped the next morning. Her due date isn't untill Oct. 4th. Little
"Anna" is just getting restless!
Ahhh.. time to change the channel, and watch a "Sex and the City" repeat. I don't think I've ever seen all the episodes, but I sure have seen the same few, a zillion times! Ahhh.. the one with "The Russian"..... Mikhail Baryshnikov ..... you know.. is really .. kinda sexy! and really has great hair.

So..... still unemployed.... still feeling guilty about enjoying it....
.... I still haven't cleaned the dining room. I Went to the post office today, to mail a couple things I sold on Etsy. Then stopped in the grociery store. daughter Allison came over for awhile, and by the time she left, I had lost all interest in cleaning. I have to really start looking for a job. I'm acting as though I just call a company, and start on Monday. Omg.... no panic, no panic... it will be ok.
... whoa!.... It's 4:05 a.m..... I paused from writing, to work on Daughter Allison's Ya Ya hat.
typical me. She hated her original hat, and we (the elder Ya Yas.. my three sisters and I, ) decided anyone who wanted to change their hats could, as long as they incorporated a piece of the old one, into the new. Allison wanted a Nurses cap. She just graduated from Ursuline school of Nursing in May, and they don't wear caps anymore! so, I made her one, out of a stiff Felt fabric. I kinda guessed at the shape, and it looks pretty cool! I decorated it with a Red cross, in Red Holographic glitter.. OF COURSE! And edged it with Crystal Holographic glitter. She'll have to decide what else to put on it. Jamie wants a new one too. She wants a crown type thing. And mine, well I like it, but it looks dumb on me. I guess they all look pretty silly, but I look terrible in hats to begin with, and this one, well.. it makes my face look fat(ter) lol.
Ya Ya is October 14th. Rita, and her daughter Heather are hosting this year. We will have it at a rented cottage on the lake, in Madison, Ohio. We're gonna have a sleepover! for anyone who wants to. I think I mentioned all of that in a previous post. ... sorry!
Ok.. I need to get to bed! It's raining again, and the temperature has dropped, a nice cool breeze is blowing in. I think Autumn is coming early. I just hope Winter isn't .... ugh. I can't wait till the leaves turn, and I can go take some new pictures. I went to a nearby park during a lunch break last year, and got some really beautiful pictures. It was a perfect Autumn day, and the color was brilliant! you can see those photos, at my website
WWW.ARTkissed.com... I have to organize my website. I'm constantly changing it, so now most of the links are messed up!
Ok.... very tired now. I'm going to bed. I want to get up no later than 9 a.m.... ha.. let's see how that goes.
The house still smells good, from the Pumpkin bread I made this evening..... (not from scratch!)
Cinnamon, and Nutmeg mmm.
Ok... going now.. ta ta.
...... PS...........a few more collages. the one in the middle is still available at Etsy.
Bless you!