Hope you had a good weekend, and a good Monday!
Mine started out with SNOW!... grrrrrhhhh!!!!! Just the "perfect blend" of melted then frozen snow, I had to SCRAPE off the car windows this morning. Parked next to my car, was my daughter Jamie's car... with a dead battery! She stopped by after work on Sunday night, for a quick visit, and to get some homemade Vegetable Beef soup. When she was leaving, I walked out to back door with her, and watched as she got in her car. I waited for the car to start, and just saw the headlights dim with every crank, she gave it a few more tries, then out she came, slamming the car door, and heading back to the apartment. She was crying and upset. She hasn't had very good luck with cars. So I tried to calm her down, and told her it was just a battery or maybe the Alternator, and nothing major worth crying over. I gave her some pajamas, made up the couch, and she got herself a cup of tea. It was now 1 a.m. and so she just emailed her dad, who is a mechanic. When I woke up this morning, I was running late as usual. She was going to sit tight till she heard back from her dad. She had to be at work at 11:30. So I kissed her goodbye, and headed for my snow covered car, and started scraping, I looked up, and realized Jamie was at the apartment door, I couldn't hear her and finally got close enough to hear her ask me if I could give her car a jump. Why it never occurred to use last night I don't know, but now I was running late, and didn't have time. Anyway.. long story short, her dad did come and give her car a jump, she got to work an hour late, then after work, went to her dads house. he got her a new battery, and she's happy now! Fewwwh!
So.. the first flakes have flown. Actually we did have a little bit snow about a week ago. I promise not to whine about the snow as much as I did last year...well I'll try anyway!
To answer Twyla's question if I've taken down my Halloween decorations yet...the answer is NO!....and frankly.. I'm REALLY sick of looking at them now! LOL.. Maybe it's because I put them up mid September, because I "just couldn't wait" And now... they just look sad! I just haven't had time to get to them. So that's what I get to do this weekend... yippee! I think my problem.. (among many) is that I'm not used to having such limited storage, and I haven't figured out how to get everything organized and in easy reach. Maybe that will be something I can work on while I'm putting away the decorations....and getting the Christmas stuff ready to go. What a vicious cycle it can all be! lol
So...It just dawned on me that it is the middle of November already!!!!!!!!!! and I had plans to list some new Holiday Items on Etsy!... when??? OMG the months are flying! I managed to get a few little greeting cards made, but time is running out! throw in Thanksgiving, and when will I do all of this!? Ok..so I'll do art all day Saturday, take down the ornaments on Sunday. Then I'll start photographing and scanning in the new art (not even made yet).. then list on Etsy during the week. Oh, did I mention I had to send my camera back for repairs again? It started "acting up", during my PSMWG Halloween party, turning the pictures Purple, so I sent it back last Tuesday. I'm hoping for a quick turn around again, and a camera that is functioning again. Maybe they'll just pitch it, and send me a new one!.. ha.. right.
So that's the latest "very exciting" news here in Brunswick, Ohio. I'm exhausted just thinking about my little chores just waiting to be done!
Since I don't have my camera, I wasn't able to take any pictures of the first "lovely" flakes of snow, so I decided to share some of my artwork that sold back when I used to sell on Ebay. Enjoy!
Happy belated 20th Birthday to LINDSEY over at "Two Crazy Crafters!" and hello to her mom Twyla, my faithful Blog watcher! I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
I really enjoyed reading the post about the day you were born! how amazing you are!

1 comment:
So sweet of you to wish Lindsey happy birthday right on your blog! You are an amazing talent, do you still paint? This time of year is a vicious cycle! Decorations everywhere, too many celebrations. It gets overwhelming sometimes. Poor Jaimie. Winter is hard to take sometimes. I dread the cold, myself. We don't get as much snow as you do, but lately we've had ice storms. Not good. Well, I've rambled on, have a wonderful day, MaryEllen! Twyla
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