
Saturday, June 27, 2009

I DID IT!!!!

I made my first Prim Doll!
I started it last weekend when Teri was here.. and..I FINISHED IT!.. That's a big deal since I don't finish a lot of things I start.

I was so drawn to this project. Maybe because I was making my Doll with a Halloween theme. Or maybe just because it was a such interesting project. Either way, I finished it!

It wasn't easy. My sewing machine wouldn't work when Teri and I tried to sew the bodies. So... we had to do all the sewing by hand!.... Even more impressive that I actually finished it!... just being truthful! lol.
I' pretty happy with the way she turned out. I even hand stamped the Orange fabric.
I learned a lot about creating the faces.... and even though she was meant to look a little scary... I have a better idea how to tone things down next time.

I believe all Witches should have a Black pointy hat.. so I'm going to make or buy one. And I would love to have her holding something. Maybe a Star or Pumpkin (if that's not too much Orange) Anywayyyy... I'm so happy with it, and want to make another one soon! I think I should do one for Christmas and Valentines day next!

I'm just enjoying my weekend and even though I have to work Sunday (tomorrow) I got out of work early....1:30 a.m.!... so it was like having a 2 day weekend anyway.

I have to mention the passing of Michael Jackson.
It's very surreal and very hard to accept. Like him or not, his talent was undeniable. And I will always be a fan. His legend will live along side Elvis, John Lennon and other amazing talents.
I'm trying to avoid the media overload... repeating the same things over and over, but I did watch his videos on VH1 classic, as they pay tribute to him all weekend. I grew up watching the Jackson 5, and me kids grew up watching Michael Jackson. My son is wearing a small MJ button in his Kindergarten photo, and he had the "Thriller" poster hanging on his wall.
I will always be amazed everytime I see the clip of him on the Motown 25 anniversary special, when he did the Moonwalk for the very first time. I think we all said: "how'd he just do that???!!"
Anyway, I'm betting it will be revealed that his death was drug related, which is so sad!

Ok.. that's my commentary.

On a brighter note, I hope the rest of the evening goes slow. I hope you all are enjoying your weekend too!

1 comment:

Twyla and Lindsey said...

MaryEllen, Your doll turned out so great! I so sympathize with you on not finishing projects, I do it all the time. It is such an accomplishment to finish something. I think she'd be cute holding a black cat too. Or a black raven. I am sad about Michael too. I think he lived a tragic life, but his brilliance as a star was unmistakbable. I, too, loved that Motown special and Thriller is my all time favorite video. He was so talented.