It's a start.
More yard sale items.
This is my 2nd yard sale, in three years! And I thought I had purged so much the first time. Ha.. guess not!
Well this time, I guess I know "I can't take it with me"... nor do I want to! So, it's a good thing.
Besides, the more I get rid of.. the more new stuff I can buy for the new place right?
I still have Sunday to play! I love weekends.
Tomorrow, I'll tackle the laundry room AKA "the Ball Room"... don't
I can make a good dent in there. So I'm on a mission now.
I'm not the only one moving. Daughter Jamie is moving too. A small, but very cute apartment in Strongsville. She'll be moving next Saturday. She's given me inspiration, that you can move relatively quickly, and save money fast too. Long story... maybe another time.
I didn't get any art done. Not really in the mood right now. My mind is on moving, and all the things that go along with it. I walk around here, looking at all my "stuff" and wonder if
White dishes, with Pink. Yellow and Blue flowers, with contrasting polka dot cups, and striped saucers, that I thought were sooo "cute".... GO! The attached wooden auditorium chairs, that I got at a thrift store?... STAY!..
They're just too funky to get rid of!

I've also learned, that the things you take for granted, and not give a second thought to, are the ones you'll want when they're gone. Example a dumb Milk glass coffee mug, that I bought at Value City. They were 3 for a dollar, and it said "GOD BLESS OUR PAD" I was buying kitchen things before I got married. I thought the cup was so "far out" The cup made it, the marriage didn't. When I moved back home, the cup got broken, and I loved that dumb cup!
I searched for 2 years on Ebay for it, and finally found it. I didn't buy it though lol. I was content to keep (steal) the picture of it..... of course, I can't seem to find that picture in my files right now.
I think of all the things my parents had. Just old stuff, nothing special. But when it's gone, you want it back. And you want to remember all the stories that went along with "it" Like a very old butcher knife they had. The blade was thin from use. My dad told us the story of how he chased his sister around with it.. (he was just teasing her honest!) When we had his 70th birthday party, we brought the knife, and he took a picture holding that knife over his sisters head. .. whoa.. lol.. guess you just had to be there. Anyway, I don't know what happened to the knife.
Why is it, when we see old toys we used to have, we wax nostalgic and want them, but if they're sitting in our attic collecting dust, we don't care as much? hmm.
I finally found my favorite childhood book "365 Bedtime Stories" on Ebay a few years ago. I was given this book for Christmas oh, about 1963, and I just loved it. The stories were short, but so sweet. Always about one of the characters that lived on "What a Jolly Street" There was a story for each day, and it was fun to read the story that was on my birthday.
I also just found and purchased another childhood favorite book on Ebay. "The Marshmallow Ghosts" Oh how I loved reading that book around Halloween. I can't even remember the whole story now, but just that I loved it. I should be getting it any day now!