Hi Twyla, Lindsey and Marsha.. my loyal blog followers.. xoxo Thanks for all the comments! xoxo
Mosely, the little Maple tree, (on the right) has finally awoke from his Winter slumber. He has some catching up to do, but I'm happy to announce he's back and bloomin'!.... I need to get a life lol
The "Striped Abstracts" above, are actually photographs of my bedroom curtains, with the sun coming through the blinds!... I like them so much, I think I'll frame them and hang them in my bedroom.
I'm glad Monday is behind me. No reason, just because it's the beginning of the work week, ugh.
I'm always thinking ahead to the weekend.
I'm looking forward to this one, it's going to be 3 days yayyy! A couple of friends are coming over, and we're gonna feast on some BBQ Ribs, Potato salad, and other goodies!.. YUU UUM! I'll still have 2 days to play!
I haven't done ANY art since February! First I just wasn't in the mood, then my weekends were filled with other things, and I just never had the time.
For some reason, I don't like to do art in the evenings during the week. My mind just isn't in to it. I'm always thinking about the day to day stuff ya know, pay bills, laundry, TV etc... and winding down from work. On the weekends, I can clear my mind of all that, and just relax and create.
I decided to go into the ARTkissed "Archives" and post some ART that I sold on Ebay.
I used to have fun there, till their fees got to be so ridiculous. I think I posted about this before, and may have posted a few of these same pieces.. sorry..... blame it on Menopausal memory loss. lol..
Now, I'm in the mood to do painting. I love doing Collage, but Always find myself spending hours just finding, printing and cutting images. So, it will be fun just playin' with the paints this weekend.
I talked to my friend Teri yesterday. She coming to visit in just 4 weeks!!
I'm so excited! As I said before, she and I met on Ebay, and we've been "E-friends" since about 2002.. and never met! This is sooo cool!
I do wish I could meet my other arty E-friends too one day... (ya here that Twyla, Lindsey and Marsha?... if you're ever in Cleveland, let me know!)
Teri will come on Friday and leave on Sunday. We're gonna do an art project together and I'm really excited about it. Then, I think we'll just hang out FUN!!! FUN!!! FUN!!! I just wish we lived closer, and could hang out more.
So.. here it is, 11:30 p.m. time to wind down.. and get ready for another work day.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm lucky to have a job.. and forget that I hate it.
I am blessed.
Have a good rest of the week