And Merry Christmas. I hope yours was warm and wonderful!
Here in Brunswick, Ohio, Christmas Eve. was in the low 40's... and only "leftover" Snow clung on the grass. Over night, the rain came, and the wind picked up. Christmas Day was "green." Every speck of snow had melted, and the sky was shades of grey. The wind whipped all day. I love a White Christmas like everyone, but was glad the weather was not an issue for my kids driving.
I had a most enjoyable Christmas, spent with my kids, and best friend Gloria.
Our family, has traditionally celebrated on Christmas Eve. When I was a child, Christmas Eve, meant Family and friends, "traditional" food, and midnight mass. Then opening presents! Christmas day, was a day to relax, eat and play with all my new toys! Then visiting friends.
I remember one Christmas eve. staying up to 3 a.m. wrapping gifts... lots of gifts for my kids. they were small, about 4, 6, & 8 years old.
I finally got alllllll the presents & toys under the tree.. sat down.... and here they came! "Santa was here!".... I couldn't get them back to bed.. so... They started tearing into them....barely wrapped for 1 hour.. oh well. They had a ball!
This year as always, I made our traditional family pizza, Breaded Pork Cutlets and my favorite..... Christmas cookies. These foods are a lot of work... but truly a labor of love, when I see my kids faces, like an old friend has just showed up!
The table was full. Also including Italian Sausage & Peppers, and a Ham.
Gloria brought some yummy Christmas cookies and "the dip"... (my most favorite dip in the world, and simple: 1 pint Sour Cream, 1 Cream Cheese and 1 envelope of Lipton's "Beefy Onion" soup mix..... This dip is delicious! great with vegetables, and assorted chips, pretzels & crackers. Try it, you'll like it!)
Allison brought homemade meatballs, Jamie brought "Polish Lasagna"
We "feasted" till we could feast no more!
We played the "Family know it all" game I created last year. For the 2ND. year in a row, Eddie was the winner.
Allison and Andy brought "Rock Band" Beatles edition...... What fun!!!! We all took our turn playing each of the instruments, and even singing.
We laughed a lot, ate some more!
The kids all made themselves a "goodie bag" .. and They left around 2 a.m.
Even Gloria left "early" We are famous for hanging out and drinking coffee till the wee hours of the morning, but she was wiped out!
I was wired from the coffee, and didn't get to bed till 6 a.m. And slept till 2.... oh.. shame on me!
I got up and "grazed" alllll day... Cookies... Potato Salad, Ham.... REPEAT...
So it was another great holiday with my favorite people!
The last picture is of my daughter Allison wearing... (trying to steal)... a gift from my friend Teri.
The most gorgeous, colorful hand crocheted scarf! That happens to go perfectly with my Red coat!
Thanks so much Teri....I wrestled it back from Allison.. Fewwh!
I am off for the next 5 days, work New Years Eve. then off for 3 more days. So including Christmas Eve & Day... I will have a total of 10 days off.. AHHHHH BLISSSSSS!
I am trying to get my art room cleaned up, so I can actually sit and do art during my "vacation".... and be creative!! As I wrote earlier, my "MOJO" has been missing. I'm hoping it will show back up, and I'll have something wonderful to show you all next time.
It's a beautiful sunny day, and I'm enjoying the "cloud show" out my art room window.
I better get to gettin'....and stop "playing" on the computer!