My first award!!!
It's so exciting!
I was presented the
ARTE Y PICO award, by my most favorite Mother & Daughter Bloggers,
Their Blog is so much fun! you have to check it out!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you guys! big "ARTkisses" to you both!
How does this award work?
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name of and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4. The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "
Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Bees in my BonnettBecky Christian incorporates a wonderful sense of humor into her fun ATC's
Her art has been a constant inspiration, and my motivation to try my hand at collage.
Honey Girl StudioI'm crazy about this Artist!
Her Halloween & Christmas pieces are just simply delightful!!!
Sea Dream Studio
Dale Mclain's Whimsical designs will make you smile every time. Colorful and fun!
Don't miss seeing the "Glitter Girls!"
The Vintage Dragonfly Studio
You've got to check out Danielle's amazing Art studio! It will have you drooling too!
Cheryl Strait Studio
I had the pleasure of meeting Cheryl at a local Art festival recently. Her friendly, bubbly personality is reflected in her very colorful, fun and so funky collages, and amazing jewelry designs. We are now both members of the mutual admiration society!
Thanks soo much again, to Twyla and Lindsey, for honoring me with this award!
So on to my artful weekend!
My sister Deb and I, had the best time Sunday. We went to the St. John's Art's Festival.
It was a spectacular, brilliant, breezy Blue day, perfect for a stroll through the park.
The Festival was very crowded, but worth seeing.
As a shameless self promotion, I decided to wear my ARTkissed T-shirt. Why not right?
while at a booth, my sister said "wait till you see the next booth." And I asked why? she said "you'll see." I walked over, and was delighted to see the most amazing, funky collage art everywhere! How cool!! On one of her amazing Banner collages, I spotted the image of Theda Bara A silent movie screen actress, who's amazing face graces my ARTkissed logo. I pointed to the banner, then my T-shirt, the artist came over, eyes wide and asked if I was "ARTkissed."
I told her I was, and she proceeded to tell me, That she had seen my artwork on Etsy! How cool! someone actually recognized my Logo! I asked her name, and realized I was a fan of her artwork too! She was so nice, and it was so cool to talk with her. I look forward to staying in contact, and sharing Collage tips! I bought some of her cool cards and had my sister take a picture of us......
....I'm sorry I look sooooooooo awful!...... caught in a half-blink, I look like I just woke up from a drunken binge!...... I thought I'd be hiding behind sunglasses all day, and decided not to wear eye make-up. That'll learn me.
With that said, it's with GREAT reluctance, that I post this photo! : )....
Cheryl, on the other hand looks great! I don't know how long I'll be able to keep that photo posted... without cropping myself out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!.. YIKES!... now that's brave no?.....Oh.. and please note the TWO pairs of glasses hanging from my shirt. Tres- Chic!!

After the Art fest, Deb and I, stopped at a great little restaurant called "Behind the Woods and had a great salad and refreshing "Sea Breeze' for lunch!
Oh.... can't forget the big fun I had on Saturday, hanging out with Gloria, Laure and sister Deb. We met for lunch at Ruby Tuesday's, then went to a few local "shops." Lots of laughter on the back Patio, between rain showers.
We even got to check out "O'Hara's" a fun restaurant, right across the street from my apartment. Great burgers! I'll be back.
So another weekend has come to an end. I'm watching the clock strike 3 a.m. and wonder how much further I can push it, before I will be a Zombie in the morning. Ehhhhh. darn.
Hope you have a great week!!