YAY! it's finallly here! not that it means much here in Cleveland. We can still get snow well into April.. SSSSSSHH.. don't say that too loud! I'm just happy that Winter is over, and it can only get warmer, and the trees will start to bud, and the flowers will be back!

Here's one of 6 puzzle pieces I've finished so far.
This piece is from my own puzzle. I'm saving the other swapped pieces for when we get together in June, and swap back . So no unveiling just yet!
The wooden puzzles have 24 pieces. There was 10 of us participating, so we'll each end up with 4 pieces of our own puzzle to work on. One woman, chose a cardboard puzzle, a really cool "Catarpillar" shaped. It's large, and will be an interesting piece to work on.
It's so fun! and challenging, working with the themes everyone selected, as well as each shape.
I can't wait to see my puzzle once it's all back together!
The themes that were chosen by the other women, were: Paris, Childhood, Oriental, Faith, Spirit, Cat, Wings, Journey. My sister Susan selected three : 1940's, dance and peace. I couldn't pick just one either, and chose several different things such as" hearts, stars, the seasons, family, & friends.... I guess our themes are, our favorite things!
Well... I haven't gone back to work yet. Or should I say, I haven't found a new job yet. It's been 6 months. I have to admit once again, I am happy having this time off. I've been doing a lot of art, and things I love. But, my time is running out. I have to get back to work, and to the real world I know. And I still want to move. So much to do..... how will I organize it all?
OK, one of my unemployed "luxuries" is staying up all night, will end soon too. It's 4:46 a.m.... yes, I 'm yawing. But it's what I do!
Easter is just 3 weeks away. Time for some major Spring Cleaning. I have ignored the house, and I really need to get it all spiffed up.
I'll be hanging out with my sisters this weekend, and hopefully I'll get to check out a few scrapbook schops I've found. Next weekend, I'll be hanging out with the PSMWG's. We're having an ART night here at my house! I'm so excited about it, and they seem to be too! I will post lots of pictures.
I'm having a problem typing now, so that means I need to get to bed!!!
Ta Ta for now!