Hi! it's been awhile! I was having problems with the new Blogger version Beta?? when using it through Picasa.... Ok.. I can't keep up with all this Beta... stuff.. I don't even know what it is.
even Etsy has changed to Beta. Or they were
and changed to something else?... WHATEVER!
Anyway... here's a few pictures from Thanksgiving. It was really nice. I had my kids, sister Rita, her son Tim, my friends Gloria, and Laure over.
I spent the evening before, making the family traditonal stuffing. A job my daughter Jamie usually did, but this time she announced she wanted to go out with her friends, and experience being out on the supposed "busiest party night of the year." So, there I was toasting
4 large loaves of bread, frying up 3 lbs. of Italian sausage, chopping Celery & onions... lots of Celery and Onions... I HATE ONIONS! Normally, Jamie would have brought her toaster, and we would have had all the bread toasted in 1/2 the time..... not this time. Funny thing is.... I don't even like stuffing! .. I know.. I know.. I'm a Giblet gravy girl! So.. I had no way of knowing if the stuffing tasted right or not. OH WELL. Everything turned out fine.. stuffing too, even though I wasn't able to get the same brand of Sausage (LOU'S) I usually used. Of course I ate too much. Gloria made her now traditonal cream pie.. ahhhhh... to die for! Everyone left, except
Gloria, and as usual, we sat drank coffee, and talked! Our friend Bev stopped by for a visit. It was so good to see her! She was just beginning Chemo this time last year, and I had just had a double breast biopsy 2 days before Thanksgiving last year. What a difference a year makes. Bev's doing great, cancer free.. oh and I'm fine too! She's a teacher, and she shared lots of funny stories. No one tells a story like Bev!
She stayed till about 2 a.m. Glor had another cup of coffe and headed for home.
I was soo beat, But couldn't fall asleep, and didn't get to bed till 6:30 a. m.!
So my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
LEFTOVERS! ... ahhh Turkey all day.. Gravy! Gravy! Gravy!.... I couldn't wait to make a plate of leftovers the next day. Ahhh. I finally learned to make a big pot of gravy, and I savour every drop.
Ok.. so wasn't that thrilling?
So I've been busy making more greeting card ornaments, and they're doing pretty well on Etsy. I even have a "groupie" who keeps coming back for more cards! bless her heart.
I've got several projects to finish. All of them are requests from friends, who placed orders for Christmas gifts. I can't believe Christmas is less than a month away

I'm still unemployed.... I've gone on a few interviews, but nothing that panned out. I've been getting calls from my online resume, but nothing good. Well... I'm still enjoying having this time off, and doing art all day.
I'm not used to having money, so it's not like I miss it! LOL.
I'm lookin forward to going to Las Vegas in January, a trip that was paid for before being laid off. Maybe I'll hit the slots, and get rich.. and never have to go back to work again! Now.. isn't that an original idea?. We've had one day of snow that covered everything, but nothing since.
It's been very mild and Spring like..... scary in Cleveland... cos we know what's coming. But I'll take every warm, sunny, snow free day I can. It's one day closer to Spring!
Here are a few more pics of the greeting cards currently available at Etsy.
So here I am.... up late! It's 3:35 a.m. I'm watching a PBS program about Bobby Kennedy's life.
PBS is awesome. A channel I've come to appreciate in my "old age"
I remember when I was in elementary school, our teacher would wheel in a black and white T.V. set, turn it to channel 25 WVIZ, and we'd watch a PBS program teaching Arithmetic. That was really high tech back then!!! that, and the overhead projector! Who knew, I'd actually WANT to watch channel 25 someday.
So tomorrow, I'm off to Pat Catans, a local craft store. I need to pick up some wood plaques for the projects I'm working on. Its a good reason to get out and enjoy one of the last warm sunny days. It's going up into the 60's again!
even Etsy has changed to Beta. Or they were
and changed to something else?... WHATEVER!
Anyway... here's a few pictures from Thanksgiving. It was really nice. I had my kids, sister Rita, her son Tim, my friends Gloria, and Laure over.
I spent the evening before, making the family traditonal stuffing. A job my daughter Jamie usually did, but this time she announced she wanted to go out with her friends, and experience being out on the supposed "busiest party night of the year." So, there I was toasting
4 large loaves of bread, frying up 3 lbs. of Italian sausage, chopping Celery & onions... lots of Celery and Onions... I HATE ONIONS! Normally, Jamie would have brought her toaster, and we would have had all the bread toasted in 1/2 the time..... not this time. Funny thing is.... I don't even like stuffing! .. I know.. I know.. I'm a Giblet gravy girl! So.. I had no way of knowing if the stuffing tasted right or not. OH WELL. Everything turned out fine.. stuffing too, even though I wasn't able to get the same brand of Sausage (LOU'S) I usually used. Of course I ate too much. Gloria made her now traditonal cream pie.. ahhhhh... to die for! Everyone left, except
Gloria, and as usual, we sat drank coffee, and talked! Our friend Bev stopped by for a visit. It was so good to see her! She was just beginning Chemo this time last year, and I had just had a double breast biopsy 2 days before Thanksgiving last year. What a difference a year makes. Bev's doing great, cancer free.. oh and I'm fine too! She's a teacher, and she shared lots of funny stories. No one tells a story like Bev!
She stayed till about 2 a.m. Glor had another cup of coffe and headed for home.
I was soo beat, But couldn't fall asleep, and didn't get to bed till 6:30 a. m.!

LEFTOVERS! ... ahhh Turkey all day.. Gravy! Gravy! Gravy!.... I couldn't wait to make a plate of leftovers the next day. Ahhh. I finally learned to make a big pot of gravy, and I savour every drop.
Ok.. so wasn't that thrilling?
So I've been busy making more greeting card ornaments, and they're doing pretty well on Etsy. I even have a "groupie" who keeps coming back for more cards! bless her heart.
I've got several projects to finish. All of them are requests from friends, who placed orders for Christmas gifts. I can't believe Christmas is less than a month away

I'm still unemployed.... I've gone on a few interviews, but nothing that panned out. I've been getting calls from my online resume, but nothing good. Well... I'm still enjoying having this time off, and doing art all day.
I'm not used to having money, so it's not like I miss it! LOL.
I'm lookin forward to going to Las Vegas in January, a trip that was paid for before being laid off. Maybe I'll hit the slots, and get rich.. and never have to go back to work again! Now.. isn't that an original idea?. We've had one day of snow that covered everything, but nothing since.
It's been very mild and Spring like..... scary in Cleveland... cos we know what's coming. But I'll take every warm, sunny, snow free day I can. It's one day closer to Spring!
Here are a few more pics of the greeting cards currently available at Etsy.

PBS is awesome. A channel I've come to appreciate in my "old age"
I remember when I was in elementary school, our teacher would wheel in a black and white T.V. set, turn it to channel 25 WVIZ, and we'd watch a PBS program teaching Arithmetic. That was really high tech back then!!! that, and the overhead projector! Who knew, I'd actually WANT to watch channel 25 someday.
So tomorrow, I'm off to Pat Catans, a local craft store. I need to pick up some wood plaques for the projects I'm working on. Its a good reason to get out and enjoy one of the last warm sunny days. It's going up into the 60's again!
Ok... so that's the latest scoop on my exciting life. the kids are all fine. Allison is not really as
tall as she appears to be in the picture.. ( she's wearing chunky shoes with a 2 inch heel.. and I'm wearing slippers. Jamie is that short though.
I haven't started Christmas shopping, but I already know there's gonna be alot of hand made artsy gifts this year. I thank God for my talent!
Have a great week.
Bless you!

I haven't started Christmas shopping, but I already know there's gonna be alot of hand made artsy gifts this year. I thank God for my talent!
Have a great week.
Bless you!