I do like tracking storms. I go to a cool website
called: "WONDERGROUND.COM" They have Doppler radar, and feature weather related photographs, from people all over the world. I have pictures there too you can check out.
SEARCH: "COOLBREEZE".. To see my photos.
Well, I'm excited. I just sold another piece of art on Etsy.com. Yay me!
The one called: "If I knew you were coming, I'd have baked a cake." It was purchased by another artist that also lists on Etsy.
My friend Teri first told me about the site a couple months ago. It is a website of "All things handmade" so there is alot of really cool art, jewelry, and handmade anything there. There's no bidding, you just see something you like, and buy it! Check it out.
Teri is also an artist. She and I met through Ebay about 3 1/2 years ago, when she purchased of of my paintings I was selling. Then I discovered her amazing pottery! which I had to have, and we've been friends ever since! We've never met in person, but it feels like we've known each other forever. We talk about life, and art, and work, and art! Swap interesting artsy websites, ideas, and laugh a lot! She's going to be

reading this Blog, and think I'm just being nice.... but I hope she
knows better! She inspires me, and I'm so lucky to have her as a
friend. My turn to call you next time Teri!
She and I were discussing Blogs tonight. What are they? what do you write about? who reads them? and why? For the few I've read, mostly by artists, I did find them fascinating, giving me a little peek into someone Else's life. I do wonder though, if one day, not so far off, this will be how we all communicate. In Emails, Blogs, text messages, and cell phones. People won't actually have to meet, because they will find out everything they need to know in a Blog. ... Si-Fi?.... I don't think soooo....
Ok. I'm going to finish watching Jay Leno, then go to bed. Hopefully, I'll have a good night sleep. I deliberately avoided caffeine tonight, and drank a beer instead. The night seems to have cooled off since the storm, and there's a nice cool breeze blowing in!

Go Check out Etsy, and see more of my art. SEARCH: "ARTKISSED"
And while your there, check out Teri's amazing, funky, colorful pottery SEARCH: "OFFCENTERART" or visit her website: "OFFCENTERARTONLINE.COM"
This image is the one I use for my "AVATAR".. (Did I spell that right?)
An "Avatar" is a small thumbnail image that you put on your profile page.
I never heard that word before in my whole life. ... don't know why they just can't call it a thumbnail.. LOL.

