Happy May!
I just had my very first "CINCO DE MAYO" party on Saturday, with a few friends.
I had fun making cheap decorations and wayy too much food. "better to much than not enough" ...right. So I'll be eating Refried beans and Tortillas for a long time.
I really had fun making decorations!
they were simple as could be.
"Maria Elaina's Cantina..... just designed on a program and printed out. |
A $1.00 thrift store find. It was plain so I decorated it with Sharpies! |
2 of my favorite funky bowls, made by my art buddy Terri. Perfect for a Fiesta! |
These made great Fiesta decorations. 2 pieces of paper taped end to end, folded accordion style. The hole punches make a great touch! |
Loved these "Margarita" candle holders just .87! |
After 10 years.. I FINALLY painted this old cupboard, and added chalkboard paint! love it! |
Two of my BFF's...I mean Chicas! Winnie & Patti... that Chica in the middle is me! more guests on the way. |
OLE'!... that Winnie.. always get's into the spirit! |