It's been so long since I've posted!
Thank you Twyla, for checking in on me during my Blog absence! xox
So much has been happening since I posted last.
I would like to send my thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences, to Marsha Sayler Jorgenson, of TUMBLEFISH STUDIO.
Her father just passed away. I hope you find comfort and cherish precious memories.

The BIG NEWS????
My youngest daughter Allison and her boyfriend Andy,
are ENGAGED!!!!
Isn't that awesome??
They have been together for 6 years, and are a really cute couple. Andy is a great guy, and I will be happy to have him as my son-in-law.
I'm going to be a MOTHER-IN-LAW! wow.
She called me Friday morning, to tell me to check my email. I'm not in the habit of reading email before work, but was too bleary-eyed and half awake. I turned on the computer, then got in the shower. I almost forgot to check the email, then Allison called. So she was on the phone when I opened it. She said she didn't want to tell me in an email, but didn't want to wait and that I was the first person to know..... she attached the (bad) picture.. and I stared at the ring.. kind of stunned?.... "Really?.. is this a joke?".. "nooo. really Mom!!! Andy Proposed!!!!"... she apologized again for telling me in an email.... but I guess that's the world we live in! and it was ok!
I just have to share the proposal with you....
Andy had planned on proposing on Valentine's day, but said he just couldn't wait.
He came home from work, Allison said he was acting a bit odd. She was laying on the sofa.. (recovering from Bronchitis and a cold).... Andy asked if she wanted a glass of wine.. she said no.. then he had a big smile on his face... got down on both knees, took out the ring and said something like " I really love you, would you be my wife?"... as Cody.. their giant Chocolate Lab, started "humping" Andy's leg.. OMG! LOL.. Allison said Andy was so nervous, he didn't even care! LOL.. what a story eh?
So far, they're thinking the wedding will be in August of 2011.
I'm so excited and I'm experiencing so many thoughts I've never had before.
All my kids have said "When I get married...." but it was always something so far away... it was always "one day"...
But it is "NOW"..... now!
I'm excited.. (how many times have I said "excited" yet?...)
To help plan their wedding, and all that it involves.
Since my last post, I had a birthday.. ugh... and I'm 54....
I'm not ashamed to post my age, because I don't believe it's really mine.. you see I'm only 32....................in my mind.
I celebrated with my sisters as always. It was a fun birthday/sister day. We went to breakfast, then to Hobby Lobby... and I used my gift card, from Friend Teri!
Then we headed over to "All Fired Up" a paint your own potter studio, in downtown Medina.
Loved the old Victorian building, with original Squeaky Wooden floors, and exposed Brick walls.
It was lots of fun! It was only my 2nd time painting pottery. It was nice just hanging out with my sistahhs!
I painted a "Cloud" mug. I love clouds and storms (as you are all very well aware!) and I thought it would be fun to have "Clouds in my coffee".. lol
(All the pieces turned out great!...see below)
After that, we headed over to another local place
"Riverstone Tavern" in Valley City... just 5 miles from home.
My friend Gloria suggested it and it was really good! Of course, the place was packed!
We had to wait about 1 hours, but it was worth it. After dinner, we head back to my apartment,
and played "Scene it" Turner classics version.
that was fun too! Even if Susan kept shouting out answers when it wasn't her turn lol!
In the morning I made a big breakfast and Gloria joined us and came bearing Dunkin' Donuts.. yeah!
After my sisters left, Gloria and I were just drinking coffee and eating donuts.. and she said
"Oh crap".. (... not really.. she used the other word lol.. ).. and pulled out a birthday candle from her purse, and stuck it in my now mangled half eaten donut..... lol.. that was priceless.
February is making up for all the snow we didn't get in November, December & January.
I missed work last Saturday, because of the weather. They had forecast 2-4 inches..... HA! Does that look like 2-4 on my back bumper? It turned out more like 8-10.. and with all the blowing and drifting... and no shovel, my car was stuck. I had to make the day up Yesterday.
Last Monday, I was treated to amazing Frost covered Trees and amazing Blue skies. It was so gorgeous, I had to pull over to take a few pics.
Hard to hate the Snow when it's that spectacular!
I made a couple pairs of earrings from Polymer clay, but haven't done much art.
Oh.. and my ART friend Teri in Indiana, will be
visiting again in May! I'm so happy to get to see her again and have another fun art weekend!
So that's pretty much it.
It's 2:oo a.m. on the nose...
I'm watching the Olympics and getting that wave of dread washing over me, that another Monday looms.
We've got more snow on the way too... go figure.
I am happy to see some daylight now, when I leave work at 6 p.m.... and I love that the days are getting longer. Spring will be here soon!
Stay warm, stay safe and have a great week!