
Monday, July 21, 2008


.......Thank you all for your prayers for Bailey.

It is with great sadness, that I announce his passing.
I don't have any details accept that his condition was critical, and no treatment would have helped.
Pattie and husband Ron made the painful decision to "let Bailey go."

Bailey was one of the sweetest, most adorable dogs I've ever known.
He gave everyone so much love and joy, and he won't ever be forgotten.
I'll miss you always sweet Bailey.

1 comment:

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Oh, that makes me so sad! I have tears in my eyes right now because the pain of losing my own precious Buffy was just 4 months ago and the pain of that is still fresh. I know the feelings Patti is going through. You feel like you're losing your best friend and then the guilt. I have always thought if I had done something sooner, but sometimes by the time you realize something is wrong, it's too late. Now my prayers will turn toward Patti and hope her heart will mend. Twyla