
Saturday, January 25, 2014


We're still freezing in Cleveland. Single digit "highs"
below Zero lows.
I's Winter, but these are not "typical"
temperatures..... here. We don't like it!
It's only January...... yes, almost the end.. but still.
We have February..... get through.
I can't stand it.
THUNDERSTORMS...instead of Winter Storms.
I think I suffer from SAD {seasonal affective disorder}
caused by lack of daylight.... and I think, seeing nothing
but shades of grey... 50 shades of grey.. ....
sorry... couldn't help myself.
We are under yet another
3-6 inches possible tomorrow and 2-4 on Sunday.
I have to work Sunday.. 4 -10pm.....isn't that just great.
AND.... tomorrow is our PSMWG at G's.
So's a "go"...... but.. that could change if the weather does.
I hate that everyday in the Winter... is completely dictated
by the WEATHER.  Have to get up earlier....
"Gear up"... and get out... to CLEAN OFF THE CAR.
then warm it up.
Drive slower..... watch for Ice......
"want to go out for Dinner?".. "Maybe if the weather's not bad"
My job involves talking to people all over the country.
Inevitably,  I get the question of  "where are you?.... and what's the weather like there?
Among family and friends, weather is always a topic. "How many inches did you get?"
"We got (more/less) then that... we're supposed to get more"
This end's the complaint portion of this post.
The artwork , are just random things I've been doing.
Notice the color?....I'm color deprived. Oops... another
sarcastic weather reference.
Good news.... the days are getting longer.
This makes me very happy.
Now.... when I leave work at 6pm.. the sky (if not cloud covered)
is a deep Periwinkle... instead of pitch Black.
.... I keep saying... ."just think how much lighter it will be this time next week!"
Silly....... but it helps.
I'm tired.
I'm babbling.
I'll go to bed now.
Spring is coming.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


How appropriate is THAT?! because we are!!!
Are you in a "Deep Freeze" too?
we are!.........
Brrr is right!
We have been.....
for 2 days now WOW it's COLD!!!
Getting into my car after work yesterday, the temp.
said -8. Today, coming home...
 it read a "balmy" 2
My Favorite Cleveland Meteorologist,
Betsy Kling! She's so good at her job,
and posts Facebook messages with weather updates
all the time!

It was scary driving, not because of snow.. but because
of ice. What looked like dry pavement, could be "Black Ice"....
so you were afraid to go too fast. was a little dicey.. but thank God.. and I mean
THANK YOU GOD, I got home safe.. and so did
my kids and sisters.. and hopefully everyone did too.
So, this post is just to say
because you don't break  60 year old records
and not talk about it!
Luckily, the temperatures are going to start
RISING tomorrow.... going up to a now comfortable
20. and by Saturday, we'll be a
"Tropical 41!!!"

So... I hope you're all doing well and staying warm!
I'm counting the days till SPRING...
I think we're at 70...... and it can't come fast enough!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Happy New Year!
A brand new blank slate... in front of us.
It's always unnerves me a little.... the unknown. What will it be like?
better than last year?... worse?.. more of the same?
I don't make resolutions... because I don't keep them. But I do try to
learn from the past and make "it better"
Last year... was a little crazy! (understatement...)
The highlight..... was the birth of my first grandchild Garrett, who just turned 6 months old.
I am still  getting used to being called Gramma.... but I LOVE IT!
  he is so wonderful and beautiful and he's mine! 
As much as I want him to stay little, I can't wait for all the Gramma times
we'll have together. Making Christmas cookies, doing art, going to the Zoo.
And I get to spoil him!
It is almost 2 a.m.. and I'm watching a "Twilight Zone" marathon,
and having a Bloody Mary... which will make me sleepy.. already is.
So, I'll spare you my mindless babble...
and just wish you a Happy, Healthy, Peace-Filled